Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day two of cycle 5

I can't believe how fast this whole thing has been flyin by. I only have one more cycle after this one and then it's back to my life. My husband and I are talking about going to North Carolina in a couple months to visit my sister and her family. I hope we do end up going, I would like a nice vacation. Plus, I really miss all of them. I want to thank all those who are still praying and just started praying for my family and I. My whole family has really stepped up and has been so helpful and very supportive. But, not just my family has helped out, Many people we don't even know have been so helpful and supportive. I think that if I didn't have all this Love coming my way, This road to recovery would have been so much harder. I also want to Thank all the people who Put together the Benefit at the church and for all the supporters who came and donated. Thanks again for all of the ANGELS in my life.

With Much Love,
Tina (DeWilde) Ruiz


  1. Hi Tina,
    I heard the wonderful news from your Aunt Deb. You are almost at the finish line. We enjoyed attending your church fund raiser. The turn out was fantastic. Of course it's always great seeing your supportive family. You just keep on keeping on girl and your visit to North Carolina will be here before you know it.

  2. Hi Tina,
    You are a trooper! I know the road has been long and very difficult for you and your family. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. North Carolina will be a great trip for you and your family. You deserve it.

  3. Hey Tina. I had type 2 Hodgkin's Lymphoma, it has been 3 years since my last treatment. If you can make it through this, you can make it through anything.
