Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day two

Tuesday October 20, 2009

My day started at 4:20 am. Thats when the first nurse came into draw blood, then about five minutes later another nurse came in to check my vitals.(which is when they check your blood pressure and take your temp.)At 6am the nurse came to give me my second bag of chemo. I finished my dose of chemo at 9am. They are also giving me steriod shots once a day and blood thinners too. I guess chemo patients can get blood clots. (YEAH,SCAREY) They also have to give me shots in my stomach for 11 days. DOESN'T HURT.

I don't feel any kind of symptoms (YET) But, they said everybody is different and it might change tommorow. I don't mean to scare anyboby with the details but I want to be helpful for those who might have to go through what I'm going through. Well this morning I was a little tired but that was from the nurses checking my vitals all night. They brought me breakfast and they couldn't believe that I had a appetite but, they don't know me with food.:) For the first two days I will recieve a dose of chemo every 12 hours for three hours at a time.Today they are also putting a dose in my spine. When they put the shot of chemo in my spine they are going to also take fluid out to test for more possible cancer. I hope that the fluid comes up negative. I don't want to say that I'm only doing this for my kids and my husband, but they are what is keeping me going and being strong. I want to get this done and then I can have my whole life with kids and my family. I should be done with treatment in atleast six months. Thanks for following me on my journey and i'll keep you posted.


  1. Hi, Tina, it's me, Ryan. I'm sorry that I heard you got cancer. :( I hope you feel better soon.
    Hope to see you soon. :) When you come back from the hospital, I will be very happy, and you can have your whole life back.

    Thanks for reading! Hope to talk to you soon. :)

  2. Hi Tina, Hang-in-there! We're cheering for you! We're glad you posted. We hope you get some rest soon. See you soon. Hugs and kisses, Aunt Deb, Uncle Larry, Jackie, Josh and Andrew.

  3. Jerry and Gail Kinsel said.....October 20, 2009 at 11:30 PM

    Hi Tina,
    Rest and sleep are hard to come by in a hospital. If it's not one thing it's another. Hope you got some ZZZZZZZZ's sometime during your day. You have lot's of love being sent your way each day. Thank you for allowing us to travel with you on your journey. You are quite the young woman.
    Jerry and Gail Kinsel

  4. Hey, Tina, I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and that you are in my prayers, your strength is inspirational and it will be an important part of your journey. I like everyone else who loves you will be following your progress and cheering you on! Take care of yourself and listen to your doctors.

    With Love - Becky Goss

  5. Hi Tina,
    Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. You are a strong and courageous woman. With all that is going on, please know that we are here for you!
    Thinking and praying for you.
    With love,
    Lamont, Mary Beth and Harrison

  6. Hi Tina.....wishing you strength on your rough road of Chemo....know that you have alot of people praying for you and sending you positive thoughts to help you through this..hang in there girl,you can fight this battle a day at a time!Stay strong and rested......
    Nancy, Marty, Chelsea and Jake

  7. Hi Tina, Tina,(one of my favorite nieces) who also has the most beautiful children. I'm praying for you and your family every day I wish your where not going through all this. The one thing that helped me a lot was what someone told me that whenever I needed to lean on someone God was right next to me and I could lean on him and you know what? He his always with you and I would lean on him constantly and talk and pray to him till he probably was sick of hearing from me but that's okay. You just lean on him too and he'll be sick of hearing from both of us and say okay let's kick this cancer's but and get on with life. I love you very much and I'll see you soon.
