Tuesday, November 3, 2009

day 15

Today I have been real tired, I think that the chemo the doctors gave me on friday is starting to effect me. It really sucks when you are so tired ans no amount of sleep helps you at all.I was brushing my fingers threw my hair last night and a small chunck came out. It didn't hurt at all. I thuoght that I was ready for the whole losing my hair thing but, I don't think I'll ever be ready. In less than a week I'll be back in the hospital for my second round of chemo. I'm scared to death again and I really don't want to go back to the hospital but I know what I have to do. I hope I can remain strong. With much Love Tina


  1. Hi Tina - it's okay to not always be strong... especially with all that you're going through. PLEASE let us know if there's anything we can do to help you, Mayk and the kids. We're all here for you. Love, Uncle Larry, Aunt Deb, Jackie and Andrew. XOXO

  2. Jerry and Gail Kinse said.....:)November 4, 2009 at 10:41 AM

    Hi Tina,
    Thank you for keeping us informed. We talk to aunt Deb and uncle Larry all the time and ask how you are doing. We are sorry you feel so tired all the time. No doubt it's all the med's they are giving you. It's ok to be scared and feel lost and sad, noone travels down the path you are on without some anger and fear. Now is the time to reach out and let those who love and care about you give you the gift of their time and help. All you have to do is take care of yourself and keep on keeping on.
    Jerry and Gail Kinsel

  3. hi tina
    I read your story in the Tri City Times and had to look up your blog. I too was diagnosed with cancer and went through a very rough time as you are.Chemo is suppose to be good for you and I can honestly say it saved my life. I was hospitalized as well and wondered how can this be good for me? Trust me it is! When my hair began to fall out I got a really cute short "do" and decided that cancer was not going to dictate to me when my hair was going to fall out. It is a very emotional disease and please have faith. Let your friends and family support your ever need, whether you just want to pick up a phone and cry to someone, or hear a voice that you know will make you smile. My faith grew deeper and I know God always has a plan. this will all work out in the end. Its hard for me to understand why he would pick young people like us with families to endure such a heavy "cross". Have faith Tina My family will pray for you........God Bless

  4. Although we can't imagine how hard this is for you, we are so happy that you are enjoying your time with your family. Stick to the small stuff. Read your Uncle Larry's 25 simple things...you will laugh and laugh! Your babies are so cute and it was fun to see D and the kids, live there for the moment. Thinking about you and wishing comfy naps and lots of snoozes in cushy beds. I am grateful that you share your journey with us!
    You ROCK!
