Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 24

Hello there to all my followers. This morning was kinda rough. When I woke up My head and back were hurting so bad.But, the nurses gave me some pain meds and I've felt good since. I'm so happy that it is already Thursday, the week is just flyin by. I can't wait to go home. I really want to go home because the hospital changed the rules since the last time I was here and now NO ONE under 18 is aloud to visit and everybody must be healthy. Well, thats a give in. To anyone planning on going to the Benefit 2morrow night, I wish I could be there but I can't and so I want to send all of you a great big THANK-YOU.The nurses are going to come in soon and give me the rest of the chemo for this week so until next time, much love you all.


  1. hey tina, just wanted to let you know that i'm thinking about you. I'm glad the week is going by fast this time, before you know it you will be home with your family agian. I cant even imagine what it's like, all I know is your incredibly strong and we are all so proud of you! I'm so glad your posting also, its really nice to hear from you. Stay Strong and remember we all Love You!


  2. The dr.s put me on bedrst cuz of the baby so I wont be at the benifit. So that makes both of us not going. Anyways I think my cousin works with you mother in law so She is gonnaa let me know how everything goes. I know its going to be alot of fun becase you have alot of people that love you and want to help you any way they can. I guess I am gonna figure out something else to do. I will make it a suprise. Everybody loves suprises. So Anyway I am gonna let u go and don't worry about anything I am sure your family is helping out alot. Get well soon!!!
    Love Cindy C.

  3. Hi Tina,
    Jacqueline, Andrew and Harrison had fun bowling on Friday. Hope all is well with you and that you are able to enjoy these mild November days. Turkey time next week and I know your family will be with you to celebrate. I remeber when you were a little girl and your uncle Larry would take you to the parade. Wonderful memories but where did the years go? Hope to hear from you soon. Good thoughts sent your way.

  4. Hi Tina. This mr canter your old choir teacher from Capac high school. I am very sorry to hear you are ill. I too have cancer and know it can be scary and tuff to handle at times. Know you are in my prayers. I would like to do a fund raiser for you if you are okay with that. Something with music. Call me or have someone call me if you are interested at 313.701.8683. All the best to you your family and your support system. Canter

  5. heyy bean,
    i miss you an cant wait to see u hope u come out for dads bday on r u cole still fightin..well call me sometimes im bored an hope to see u an grandma is baking the pie tomorrow for u an dont worry bout the cost ill pay for it love u remeber 4 times left then ur u sarah
